Meet the Team

David Hansen



David was born and raised in Southern New Hampshire and plans to spend his whole life here. He lives in a quiet town with his amazing wife, Katherine, their two children, and their dog. Diesel, in an 1800’s farmhouse. David greatly enjoys athletics, pretending to be handy around the house, and reading for hours. He has a healthy respect for those who have served in our country’s Military, as well as those who serve our communities, such as Firefighters, Police Officers, Nurses and Teachers. Fun Fact: David once did a hitchhiking tour of seven states! Funnest Fact: David was once kicked out of a foreign country. (It was a misunderstanding, for which they later apologized. You can ask him about it…)

Anena Hansen


Anena is David’s older sister and can tell you many stories about how annoying he was as a kid. She ran away from New Hampshire in her early twenties and lived in a quarter of the US states, then spent eleven years in Kenya, before she hit her forties and couldn’t get back to the Monadnock region fast enough. She and her daughter have a naughty cat and a surprisingly interesting turtle, and Anena is still consciously grateful multiple times a week to be home. She is a longtime freelance writer who also works around the Monadnock region in the addiction recovery field. She likes to think of herself as a real estate doula, helping clients to birth the homes of their dreams. 

Get in touch.